The History and Evolution of Sandpaper

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Motor Supply Co
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September 25, 2023 at 1:54:22 PM PDT September 25, 2023 at 1:54:22 PM PDTth, September 25, 2023 at 1:54:22 PM PDT

Sandpaper, a seemingly simple tool, has been smoothing out rough surfaces and refining our crafts for centuries. Its history is a blend of innovation, discovery, and the quest for perfection. Let's journey through time to understand the evolution of this humble abrasive.


The concept of sanding dates to ancient civilizations. The Chinese, for instance, used crushed seashells, seeds, and sand to smoothen and polish surfaces. They would bind these abrasive particles to parchment using natural gum and sand away. There are countless statues, pots and pans, ceramic vases, weapons, cutlery, and other museum pieces that exist today thanks to this crude original sandpaper.

Ancient Egyptians also took to polishing materials with various natural abrasives, such as crushed papyrus plant stems, to smooth wood and other materials. The need for smoother surfaces transcended cultures and regions, as the Greeks and Romans had their own variations using crushed glass and other hard particles.

The Transition to Modern Sandpaper

The term "sandpaper" itself might be slightly misleading, as the early versions of the tool rarely, if ever, used sand. By the 13th century, crushed glass particles began to be glued to parchment paper – an early prototype of what we now recognize as sandpaper. We can think of “sand” as referring to the feel of the abrasive side of the paper to bare skin – but it is certainly tougher on surfaces than just plain sand would be!

It was only in the 18th century that modern sandpaper began to take shape. John Oakey, an Englishman, pioneered the mass production of sandpaper. He developed a method to grade the grit of the abrasive material (usually flint or glass) to produce a more consistent and reliable product that would wear down reliably and create consistent results. All of this was inspired by his apprenticeship (on-the-job training) as a teenager at a piano building company, where he was taught how to glue sand or powdered glass onto paper to create the sandpaper needed for sanding down piano parts.

Innovation in Materials

The late 19th and early 20th centuries witnessed a significant shift in the materials used for the abrasive layer. Emery, a hard mineral, became popular due to its superior abrasive quality. Emery is a naturally occurring, very hard, and dark-colored rock used as an abrasive. It primarily consists of the mineral corundum (aluminum oxide) mixed with other species such as magnetite (an iron oxide), hematite, and spinel. Emery's hardness, stemming mainly from the corundum content, makes it suitable for use as an abrasive in a variety of applications.

Historically, emery has been employed for polishing, grinding, and sharpening tools. It was a widely preferred abrasive until synthetic abrasives like silicon carbide and aluminum oxide became more prevalent in the 20th century.

Emery (Al₂O₃ + Fe₃O₄) is a naturally occurring, granular rock primarily composed of the mineral corundum (aluminum oxide) but mixed with varying amounts of iron oxide, giving it its characteristic dark color.

Physical Properties: Emery is known for its great hardness, surpassed only by a few other materials like diamonds. Its granular structure and combination of corundum and iron oxide give it a distinctive dark gray or black color.

Origin: Emery forms from metamorphic processes and is often found in regions with past or active tectonic activity. The presence of iron oxide mixed with corundum is what differentiates emery from pure corundum deposits.


  • Abrasives: Historically, emery's primary use was as an abrasive due to its hardness. It was commonly used in emery boards, grinding wheels, and polishing applications.
  • Anti-Slip Applications: Given its rough texture, emery can be found in certain anti-slip floor applications.
  • Construction: Its durability might make it a suitable aggregate for specific construction applications.

Varieties: The ratio of corundum to iron oxide can vary, leading to slight differences in hardness and color in different emery deposits.

Thermal and Electrical Properties: While not as extensively studied as pure alumina, emery's mix of minerals gives it a blend of thermal and electrical properties, though it's primarily valued for its mechanical hardness.

Health and Safety: As with other abrasive materials, prolonged inhalation of emery dust can be harmful. Proper safety measures should be taken when working with or around emery, especially in powdered form.

Trade and Source: Emery has been traded for centuries, with notable sources historically being the Greek island of Naxos and regions in modern-day Turkey.

In essence, emery's combination of hardness, durability, and historical importance makes it a notable material, especially in the world of abrasives. Its relevance may have diminished with the advent of synthetic abrasives, but its natural blend of aluminum and iron oxides offers a unique legacy in the realm of materials science.

Despite the prevalence of these newer abrasives, emery still finds applications in certain niches. For instance, emery boards, which are used for filing nails, derive their name from the abrasive material on their surface.

Silicon carbide, also known as carborundum, emerged as another popular abrasive around the turn of the 20th century.

Silicon carbide (SiC), often referred to as carborundum, is a compound of silicon and carbon. It's known for its remarkable hardness, only slightly less than that of diamond, and for its excellent thermal and electrical conductivity properties.

Physical Properties: Silicon carbide is a hard, brittle crystalline material. It's one of the hardest-known naturally occurring materials, making it an excellent abrasive.

Discovery: It was first synthesized by Edward Goodrich Acheson in 1891. During his experiments trying to make artificial diamonds by heating clay and powdered coke, he accidentally discovered silicon carbide.

Production: SiC is industrially produced by combining silica sand and carbon in an electric resistance furnace. This process generates a reaction at temperatures above 2,000°C, producing silicon carbide.


  • Abrasives: Due to its hardness, it's used in various abrasive applications, including grinding wheels, sandpaper, and abrasive powders.
  • Structural Materials: SiC ceramics are used where high endurance to thermal stress or corrosive environment is required, like in kiln furniture or as ceramic plates in bulletproof vests.
  • Electronics: Silicon carbide is a semiconductor and is used in high-temperature electronics and high-power electronic devices, such as LEDs and power electronics.
  • Automotive: Due to its high thermal conductivity and ability to maintain strength at high temperatures, SiC is used in car brakes, clutches, and in some high-performance engines.
  • Metallurgy: SiC is used as a deoxidizing agent and to add electrical conductivity in the production of certain metals.

Thermal and Electrical Properties: Silicon carbide possesses a bandgap that exceeds that of pure silicon, making it a potential material for high-power and high-temperature electronic devices. It's also thermally conductive, which means it can maintain its structure and integrity in high-temperature applications where other ceramics might fail.

Varieties: SiC exists in many different crystalline structures called polytypes. These polytypes have varying properties, which can be advantageous for specific applications.

In summary, silicon carbide's unique combination of chemical, mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties makes it a valuable material in a broad range of applications, from abrasives to electronics to structural ceramics.

Almost simultaneously, in the 20th century, aluminum oxide abrasives were introduced. Both these materials offered longer wear than flint or glass.

Aluminum oxide (Al₂O₃) is an inorganic compound comprised of aluminum and oxygen. Often referred to as alumina, it's one of the most commonly used oxide ceramics due to its combination of various beneficial properties.

Physical Properties: Aluminum oxide is a hard, durable, and chemically resistant material. In its naturally occurring crystalline state, it's known as corundum, which is the base mineral for sapphire and ruby, differing only in color due to trace impurities.

Manufacture: Aluminum oxide can be produced synthetically by refining bauxite ore in the Bayer process to obtain pure alumina. The alumina is then reduced to produce aluminum or used in various other applications in its oxide form.


  • Abrasives: Due to its hardness, aluminum oxide is commonly used in grinding wheels, sandpaper, and other abrasive tools.
  • Ceramics: Alumina ceramics are used in a wide range of applications due to their resistance to wear, chemical attack, and high temperatures. They can be found in spark plugs, furnace linings, and electronic substrates, among others.
  • Refractories: Alumina's ability to withstand high temperatures makes it an ideal material for furnace linings and kiln furniture.
  • Electronics: Aluminum oxide is used as an insulating material in some electronic devices. Its dielectric properties make it useful in capacitors.
  • Catalysis: Aluminum oxide serves as a support for many industrial catalysts.
  • Filtration: Due to its porous structure, it's used in certain filtration processes.

Varieties: Alumina exists in several phases, but the most stable and common form is α-alumina (alpha phase).

Thermal and Electrical Properties: Aluminum oxide is an electrical insulator but has a relatively high thermal conductivity for a ceramic material. This makes it valuable in certain applications where electrical insulation and thermal conductivity are both required.

Health and Safety: Inhaling fine aluminum oxide dust can pose respiratory health risks. However, in bulk form, it's considered non-toxic and non-reactive.

In essence, aluminum oxide's combination of chemical stability, hardness, electrical insulation, and thermal properties has cemented its place in a plethora of industrial applications, ranging from everyday products to advanced technology.

Backing Materials Evolve

While the abrasive materials saw changes, the backing materials also underwent transformation. From parchment, manufacturers moved to cloth backings, providing more flexibility and strength, especially for machine-based sanding.

While the abrasive material on the sandpaper is often the star of the show, the unsung hero of this essential tool is its backing. Let's take a journey through time and explore how the backing of sandpaper has evolved over the years.

  • Papyrus and Parchment

The concept of an abrasive surface used to smooth other materials dates back thousands of years. Ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptians, attached crushed shells and stones to papyrus to create a rudimentary form of sandpaper. Similarly, other cultures employed parchment as a base.

  • Cloth and Leather

As craftsmanship flourished during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, the demand for finer abrasives grew. Artisans began using cloth and leather as backings because of their durability. These materials were better suited for wrapping around blocks or for manual sanding, providing a more flexible and resilient base.

  • Paper

The Industrial Revolution brought about a mass production mindset. During this era, paper became the predominant backing for sandpaper, as it was cost-effective and could be produced in large quantities. Different weights and grades of paper were used, depending on the intended application.

  • Waterproof and Polyester Backings

The 20th century saw significant technological advancements, and sandpaper was no exception. Waterproof sandpaper, with a backing designed to resist water, became a game-changer for wet sanding applications. This allowed for a smoother finish, especially in automotive and marine applications. Additionally, as polymers and plastics technology evolved, polyester film backings began to appear, offering an even surface and incredible durability.

Today: The Age of Versatility and Specialization

In today's world, sandpaper backing is as diverse as its applications. From the lightweight, ultra-flexible foam backings for contour sanding to specialized backings designed for power sanders and machines, the options are vast. Manufacturers focus not just on the abrasive quality but also on how the backing influences the tool's flexibility, durability, and application suitability.

Today's sandpaper includes backings made from paper, cloth, fiber, polyester, and even rubber. Each offers different levels of flexibility, durability, and resistance to tearing. So, the next time you pick up a piece of sandpaper, take a moment to appreciate not just the gritty surface but the journey of its often-overlooked backing. Through the annals of history, it has silently shaped and smoothed our world, one grain at a time.

Wet and Dry Sanding

Another innovation was the introduction of waterproof sandpapers, allowing for wet sanding. Wet sanding, where the sandpaper is dipped in water or a lubricant, helps reduce the amount of dust produced and can produce a finer finish. We’ll cover wet and dry sandpaper in a future blog.

Modern Sandpaper and Beyond

In recent times, advancements have been made not just in the materials but also in the processes. Hook-and-loop backed papers (VELCRO® without the trademarked name!) offer easy replacements for power sanders. Furthermore, diamond abrasives, being the hardest known material, are now being used for highly specialized tasks.

The journey of sandpaper, from ancient crushed shells to sophisticated diamond abrasives, is a testament to human ingenuity. This ever-evolving tool, while simple in its function, has been critical in shaping (quite literally) our crafts, arts, and industries. The next time you pick up a piece of sandpaper, remember the centuries of innovation you hold in your hand!